Erectile Dysfunction Can Be a Pain in the Butt!

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Erectile Dysfunction Can Be a Pain in the Butt!

An important topic in men’s health, and specifically men’s pelvic health, is erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the inability to sustain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. Research shows that thirty-five percent of men aged 60 will have ED and the number jumps to 50% in men older than 70.    Your…

vaginal stenosis treatment jacksonville fl

How to Use Vaginal Dilators after Radiation Therapy

Cancer can start in the cervix, uterus, rectum, or bladder and spread to the vagina. A typical treatment is radiation therapy which kills cancer cells directly. Pelvic radiation therapy can result in radiation-induced vaginal stenosis (VS), a common side effect of radiation therapy. Your vagina can narrow or stick together due to adhesions and scarring…

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